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YITH WooCommerce Questions and Answers v1.28.0

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YITH WooCommerce Questions and Answers v1.28.0

Rp 50.000

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Answer to your customers’ doubts and persuade them to purchase once and for all

Users that purchase online always hesitate when they buy a product that they cannot see nor touch.

Put yourself in your potential customers’ shoes: everything they know about the product is represented by an image and a few descriptive lines, they are not able to verify personally the details, or to ask for further information to a salesperson as it would be in a real shop. How many questions would they ask before clicking on the purchasing button, and how frustrated are they purchasing blindly!

The more your customers’ need to get further details on your products is satisfied, the more the conversions of your e-commerce will be. YITH WooCommerce Questions And Answers lets you give a positive answer to all doubts that may prevent your customers to purchase products: you can use the plugin to create an FAQ section in every product detail page, and add independently the most frequent questions and answers.

In the same way, your customers will be able to write their questions easily and quickly, and wait for you — or maybe a customer that has already purchased that particular product — to give them all the information they need. Thanks to YITH WooCommerce Questions And Answers, you will be free to establish a direct line with your potential customers, and reassure them toward the purchase: a true marketing tool that your shop cannot miss.


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