Elevate your online presence with customizable WordPress blog theme, tailored for bloggers, small businesses, and creative professionals. Discover a variety of designs to showcase your portfolio, share your stories, and capture the attention of your audience.
Fully compatible with Gutenberg, compatible with GDPR policy, self-hosted Google fonts, Adobe Fonts (Typekit) integration, 2000+ home page variations, unlimited styles support, header styler, 9 built-in header layouts, 40 posts and page layouts, built in categorized image gallery with 2, 3, 4 columns and integrated lightbox, 18 custom widgets, features 8 post formats: Standard, Gallery Slideshow, Gallery Grid, Link, Image, Quote, Audio, Video, powerful theme options panel, built in SUBSRIBE page and LOGIN page, full width INSTAGRAM, amazing Mega Menu, custom Cookie banner, integrated with the Woocommerce plugin, 21 custom Elementor widgets and more.
Theme Features:
- Fully compatible with Gutenberg
- Compatible with GDPR policy
- RTL support
- Self-hosted Google fonts
- Adobe Fonts (Typekit)
- 20 custom Elementor widgets
- Header and Footer Builder using Elementor
- Responsive Layout
- Bootstrap based
- Fontello / Font Awesome – retina ready icon set
- Sample data included
- Child theme included
- Header Parallax Background
- Boxed and wide layout
- Sticky navigation
- Sidebar generator
- Sticky sidebar
- Excerpt Length Control
- Unlimited Colors
- Translatable – WPML Ready
- Mega Menu
- Categorized FAQ page
- Built in categorized image gallery with 2, 3, 4 columns and integrated lightbox
- Header manager (Header background image / background color
- 5 built-in header layouts
- Custom Fonts
- Custom SUBSCRIBE page
- WooCommerce Shop
- Custom LOGIN page
- Widgetized Side Panel
- Widgetized Footer
- Powerful Admin Panel
- SEO and speed Optimized
- MailChimp For WordPress Support
- Documentation
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